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The human brain and testicles resemble

The human brain and testicles resemble

It's a joke that men xo sometimes use their lower parts to think instead of their brains. Maybe it's not just a joke anymore. When a team of scientists from several biomedical research institutes in Portugal revealed that They have discovered many traits that are in common like twins. in organs located separately from each other They also perform completely different functions. such as the human brain and testicles

The study, published in the journal Royal Society Open Biology, said the study compared the types of proteins found in 33 different tissues taken from human organs such as the heart, small intestine, uterus, placenta and ovaries.

As a result, no organs have the same proteins in their tissues. as much as the testes and the cerebral cortex, or the cerebral cortex. Both organs contain 13,442 proteins in their tissues.

The findings are consistent with the findings of gene expression studies, which indicated that the brain and the testes had the greatest number of genes or genes expressed. more than any pair of organs in the human body This results in the production of different proteins that play a role in cell functioning as well.
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